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Happy father's day !15% Sale on all standard items.Valid till 30th June...
Create your space with Comfort & Style
Fire Rated Wooden Doors - Sri Lanka by Creations
Introducing Lesso Wooden Fire rated Door in Sri Lanka by "Creations Furniture" with a high quality level for apartments , hotel pr..
New Arrival | Romance à Paris
Design InspirationIn breakfast at tiffany's, starring Audrey Hepburn, Holly wears black cocktail dress and jewelry as she slowly e..
LMD Biz Briefs - CREATIONS : Nature Inspired Craft..
Following many years spent perfecting the art of sawing, sanding and polishing, and considering itself to be the masters of woodwo..
Nothing is of greater importance that the conserva..
"Safety work is today recognized as an economic necessity. It is the study of the right way to do things."
– Robert W. Campbell..
We are capable of handling any type of Wooden base..
With the strength of our factory and skilled carpenters we are confident that we are capable of handling any type of Wooden based ..